Below the Surface of ADHD: 3-Part Workshop Series

Target audience: This workshop is aimed towards adults with ADHD who are either late-diagnosed or are interested in a different perspective from the typical medical model of ADHD. 

*Part 3 is geared towards women/AFAB (assigned female at birth), though is open to all genders. It is also lays groundwork well for participation in ADHD Moms Group that begins in December 2023.

What to expect:

The format of this workshop will be mostly instructional with prompts for self-reflection and discussion.  Active participation is welcome, though not required, so you may use the workshop as an observant note-taking learner, inquire questions during designated discussion points, whatever is most comfortable for you.  In the absence of discussion, I will elaborate on different perspectives of the specific topic. 

Instructional periods will be recorded, but recording will be turned off for discussion periods to cultivate a sense of safety and comfortability.  You may ask questions during instructional periods in the chat, and I will field them in real time.  Below is a proposed general outline for each workshop, though we may detract from the timeline, depending on the needs of the audience.    

9:30-10:00: Psycho-education

10:00-10:15: Self-Reflection/Discussion

10:15-10:30: Break

10:30-11:00: Psycho-education

11:00-11:15 – Self Reflection/Discussion

11:15-11:30 – General Q&A

***This workshop is intended for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have concerns about your health or well-being, please consult a qualified healthcare or mental health professional.***

Part 1: ADHD – A Holistic Reframe

11/14/23 (Tuesday) 9:30-11:30am and 11/18/23 (Saturday) 9:30-11:30am


  • Neurodiversity Paradigm/Social Model of Disability

  • Evolution and Expansion of ADHD conceptualization

  • Social and Emotional implications of late ADHD diagnosis

  • Behind Behaviors – the emotional and cognitive mechanisms under the surface of ADHD  

Part 2: ADHD – Navigation and Narrative Change

11/21/23 (Tuesday) 9:30-11:30am and 11/25/23 (Saturday) 9:30-11:30am


  • Review of Social Model of Disability – managing systems > managing symptoms

  • Accommodations & Adaptations

  • Self-Concept – evaluating core beliefs and clarification of values

  • Self-Regulation – sensory and emotional regulation

Part 3. ADHD in Women – Internalization & Invisible Labor

11/28/23 (Tuesday) 9:30-11:30am and 12/2/23 (Saturday) 9:30-11:30am


  • Impact of social expectations on ADHD presentation

  • Hormonal and developmental factors

  • Different channels of ADHD energy

  • Mental and emotional labor for adult women

You can also purchase admission to the complete series for $100 below: